Our drop-in sessions provide you with a space to explore and express your grief, supported by a specialist support worker. You don’t have to be accessing Just ‘B’ or Herriot Hospice Homecare services already, and this support is for those affected by any bereavement.
Location: Community Room, Northallerton Methodist Church, DL7 8EG
Date and time: First Thursday of every month, 2-3:30pm
Just ‘B’, part of our family of services, provides specialist bereavement and emotional wellbeing support for both those using our hospice services and those who aren’t.
Just ‘B’ helps children, young people and adults across Hambleton and Richmondshire with its support. This includes help with bereavement, in a crisis following a sudden death and via our Hear to Help helpline. Our schools service also supports students with their wider emotional wellbeing.
We have a pool of online resources to help you – from talking to children and young people about death, to managing significant dates and tips to help with anxiety.
Just ‘B’ has been offering emotional wellbeing, bereavement counselling and support to communities across the region for over a decade.
Our Just ‘B’ team have collated a range of emotional wellbeing and bereavement support resources for children, young people and adults.